Welcome to the ODK forum, @rob_evo ! We're glad you're here. When you get a chance, please introduce yourself on this forum thread . I'd also encourage you to add a picture as your avatar because it helps build community!
Here are some posts related to this that might help:
I succeed installing central on my local machine with IP address on my LAN for testing purpose before deploying on my public server. I created a projetct, an app, an app user, upload form and media files and granted rights for the user.
I face a problem when i try to get the form list into collect.
Sale screen as here but I think for other reasons :
Is ther a way to disable ssl certification for lacal testing or a workaround to get a certiciate for my local server (witho…
Really appreciate your patience as got Enketo submissions ready, @MatthewMac and @dr_michaelmarks . We're especially eager to hear what you think of the public link feature that benefited a lot from my conversation with @chrissyhroberts .
I think @dmenne is on to something and it's likely related to the way that your certificate is issued. It looks like Enketo does stricter verification of the certificate chain. To turn it around, @dmenne , have you been able to use Enketo features with your certi…
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