Still need 100's of translations

Want to help? Almost all languages need translations.

Our translations are managed here:

Just set up an account, join this project, and start translating.

If you are working with a right-to-left language (e.g., Arabic, Urdu),
please use the RTL / LTR marks ( i.e., #x200e and #x200f (preceeded and
followed by & ; ) to bracket the text substitution strings (e.g., %s, %3$s,
etc.) see ). Also, for
those languages, you should perhaps download the entire file locally, edit
it, then upload, rather than use the web interface. There seems to be an
issue with the transifex site swallowing the RTL / LTR marks; it is unclear
whether this is during web editing or during the download process.

Here are some of the translations needing touch-ups, but many more need a
few or 100's of translations.

··· -- Mitch Sundt Software Engineer University of Washington

That was interesting... attached is the image. Sorry for the useless waste
of bandwidth.

··· On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Mitch Sundt wrote:

Want to help? Almost all languages need translations.

Our translations are managed here:

Just set up an account, join this project, and start translating.

If you are working with a right-to-left language (e.g., Arabic, Urdu),
please use the RTL / LTR marks ( i.e., #x200e and #x200f (preceeded and
followed by & ; ) to bracket the text substitution strings (e.g., %s, %3$s,
etc.) see ). Also, for
those languages, you should perhaps download the entire file locally, edit
it, then upload, rather than use the web interface. There seems to be an
issue with the transifex site swallowing the RTL / LTR marks; it is unclear
whether this is during web editing or during the download process.

Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington

Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington