The changes to the Collect end of form screen are not compatible with my workflow

I share the opinion of krosser.
This change to the collect end of form screen are causing additional workflow steps for us. I regret these changes are made.
I wrot already more about my opinion her:

In fact - the fact that the 2023.1.2 version was causing problems for users lies not in how the functionalities work, but in how they were explained. I always explained the difference between checking or unchecking the "finalized" checkbox as such:

Drafts (=not finalized) could not be sent, finalized forms could – and both can still be edited. It prevented that forms that were really in concept phase, could be accidentally sent to the cloud.

For us that is important, as our forms are too heavy and filled with a lot of calculations, so they cannot be edited online in kobotoolbox (as Enketo is not able to handle our forms).