Use 3 conditions (AND,OR,OR)


Well, the idea is use 3 conditions in de colum "relevent" (I use 2 conditions (AND,OR) and work) and I created this sentence:

${Tipo_Registro_ben}='NUEVO BENEFICIARIO' and ${Estado_Regimen_Salud}!='NO AFILIADO' or ${Estado_Regimen_Salud}!='AFILIADO FALLECIDO'

But doesn't work, I guess parentheses are necessary but Im not sure...

Can someone help me, please.

You likely need parenthesis. Can you attach the questions that are part of this? And describe the situation you want to enforce with the relevant?

Ok, the idea is, do the cuestion if:

  1. The person select in the question "Tipo_Registro_ben" the option "NUEVO BENEFICIARIO"


  1. The person select in the question "Estado_Regimen_Salud" diferrent to NO AFILIADO' or 'AFILIADO FALLECIDO'

I don't know if my idea is clear :sweat_smile:FOCALIZACION - copia.xlsx (23.1 KB)

The problem is this add is in Spanish...