Use Floating Action Button for buttons on map fragments

1. What is the general goal of the feature?
Currently, multiple options are displayed using AppCompatImageButtons on map fragment. Shifting to using Floating Action Button can provide a fresher look to the Geowidgets. I am attaching a wireframe and a screenshot of the app.

I used mini and normal Floating Action Buttons, and also changed the placement of the buttons a little bit.

Your views and feedback on this are welcome. :slight_smile:

This is what we started talking about here as well

At long last we have taken action in this direction! Thanks again for the initial sketches, @Saumia.

We are now using Material 3 guidelines which recommends square buttons.

This is now in beta. Please try it out and share any feedback you have!

The modernized map buttons are now out in ODK Collect v2022.4.0.

Just came across the mail in my inbox. Thanks @LN @Grzesiek2010. Excited to try out the new features in ODK Collect!

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