Using of odkmeta command

Hi @smritisaini, and welcome to the ODK forum! When you have a chance, I'd encourage you to introduce yourself here. Doing so helps build community!

Your XLSForm does contain non-ASCII characters, but I think they should be easy to remove. The survey sheet has the columns hint:Nepali and label:Nepali, and the choices sheet has the column label:Nepali. You'll need to delete those columns before exporting to CSV so that the CSV file does not contain those characters. Other than that, I don't think your XLSForm contains any non-ASCII characters.

Next, I see a row in the survey sheet that will be an issue for odkmeta: row 18 has a type and a label but no name. You will probably want to delete that row before exporting to CSV.

Last but not least — and this may be the source of the error message you're seeing — odkmeta needs to know the name of the label column. By default, it looks for a column named label. One option is to rename the label:English column to label before exporting to CSV. Alternatively, you can tell odkmeta to use the label:English column by specifying the label() suboption:

odkmeta using odkdo, csv(data.csv) survey(survey.csv, label(label:English)) choices(choices.csv, label(label:English))

Hope this helps!