XLSform - Put a constraint on the date of birth - Focal point - Vulnerabilities

Hello everyone;

I have three question that I want to put constraints however I have difficulties. These are the questions highlighted in yellow in my XLSform.

  1. Choose the household Head20190418profilage_IDP_CentreNord.xlsx (55.5 KB)
    or focal point (Yes / No). A single choice (Yes) for an individual (head of household) and other individuals an automatic choice the "No"
  2. Put a constraint on the date of birth. The date of birth must be greater than or equal to today's date and less than 01/01/1900.
  3. Put constraints on different vulnerabilities according to sex and age.
  • Child at risk '' Yes '' if the age of the individual is less than or equal to 18 years
  • Unaccompanied or separated child '' Yes '' if the age of the individual is less than or equal to 18 years
  • Old person '' Yes '' if the age of the individual is greater than or equal to 60
  • Woman at risk '' Yes '' if the age of the individual is a woman and is 18 years of age or older
  • Pregnant or lactating woman '' Yes '' if the age of the individual is female
  • Single parent '' Yes '' if the age of the individual is greater than or equal to 18 years

Thank you for your support


For Q2 which is

Solution is on this link: Date check or constraint - #2 by iamnarendrasingh

For Q3 which is

Solution is here Constraints on date and age - #7 by M_A_Serge_SOMDA

Check both these links, these might be helpful for you.


Thanks Well
I was able to solve the date constraint. I have the first and the third question.

Best regards!