XLSForm Template - Few missing Appearances

Hi @LN,
I made an example for the difference between grid selects with field-list (preferred) and table-list, see
TableHeading02.xlsx (21.9 KB)

I also found few existing appearance docs (e.g. former reference-table). There are also several table-list usage in the form postings, e.g. https://forum.getodk.org/search?q=table-list%20after%3A2018-01-01 (since 2018). Maybe, it would be good to give a hint in the new template that usage of table-list appearance is not recommended.

There is another related issue/bug. Until the bug is fixed, read_only is needed to make field-list (or table-list) based tables working well in Enketo. Without the "label" row items can be selected and 1. But in Collect the behaviour seems ok, no data for the label title are created.

Side-note: If read_only is set and Collect is used, the labels will not show up for the field-list option, but for the table-list. (This might happen, if Collect and Enketo are used in parallel for data collection with the same form).

Collect with read_only set
Field-list (label, list-nolabel)

