Publication by CartONG of a Lessons Learned paper on 5 years of ODK-based MDC implementation in Terre des hommes

Dear ODK community,

Just wanted to share with you a Lesson Learned paper on five years of implementation of MDC in Terre des hommes that CartONG, as technical partner of Tdh on Information Management since 2015, has written.

Its principle aim is to help field operations make the best use of MDC in their programs by summarizing the key lessons learned throughout these 5 years of MDC roll-out, as well as amongst other aspects the path taken by the organization to scale up MDC over the years and the uses to which MDC is put. However, a lot could probably be applied to / useful for other organisations which is why we are sharing it more widely if it can be useful- the paper is therefore available here: (the MDC Toolkit is the platform that we have conceived to share the documentation and tools we produce for Tdh field operations, all in CC-BY-SA licence).

We also produced for this study a few visuals of our vision of some aspects of MDC that will hopefully speak to some of you (or looking forward to hearing from you any comments on the topic!), that are in the paper but that you can also find described here :

Don't hesitate to share some feedback or comments, always happy to contribute to the discussion on MDC.