-> Index updated on December 14th, 2022
- Field Mapper form for collecting standardized data about smallholder farms
- Webinar: Improving Data Collection for Agriculture
- Case Study - Mapping smallholder irrigated agriculture in Mozambique with satellite images (remote sensing
- Putting Nigeria’s floating informal settlement on the map with ODK
- Using ODK to help farmers self-report their farming process
- ODK mapping of Cacao Farms in Panay Island, the Philippines
- ODK Use in Food Security Work, International Potato Center Case Study
- Using odk in social and agricultural research projects
- Agricultural research on maize and farmer profiling in Malawi
- Electronic Data Management for Vaccine Trials in Low Resource Settings: Upgrades, Scalability, and Impact of ODK
- ODK’s role in the first malaria vaccine approved by WHO
- ODK and DHIS2 used in Uganda to help vaccinate 19.5 million children
- ODK used in Ethiopia to help vaccinate 7.1 million children from polio
- Verbal autopsies powered by ODK used in push to better track global deaths
- Success Using ODK for Cannabis Dispensary Surveys in Los Angeles County, CA
- American Red Cross’ support of Open Data Kit
- The 2018/19 Kivu/Ituri Ebola Outbreak
- American Red Cross response to Typhoon Yutu in Saipan
- Case Study - Last Mile Health, Liberia
- Indian Red Cross shares the beneficiary data gathering for KeralaFlood response
- eHealth uses Collect to reach perfect reporting of immunizations in Nigeria
- ODK being used by WHO and LSHTM to fight polio in DR Congo
- ODK being used in Somalia to help vaccinate 726,000 children from polio
- Use of ODK to improve mapping for Ebola response in Sierra Leone
- ODK Use in Emergency Relief, Spanish Red Cross Case Study
- WHO verbal autopsy instrument
- Greetings from a ODK user in Guatemala
- One Health Rabies Project - Data collection using ODK suite
- Experiences from complex trial in Nepal
- Mapping for health in Cameroon: polio legacy and beyond
- LSHTM Open Data Kit : A server hub and device library for academic researchers
- COVID-19 Antigen RDT form for standards-compliant data
- Honduran Secretariat of Education measures student access to education during COVID-19 pandemic
- ODK highlighted as a leading tool for COVID-19 response
- COVID-19 Door-to-Door Needs Assessment for Informal Settlements
- WHO COVID-19 Confirmed Case Report Form
- WHO COVID-19 Minimum Reporting Form
Nature Conservation / Biodiversity
- French National Parks and French Biodiversity Office workshop
- [https://biodiversityforms.org](A place where to share biodiversity centric forms)
- Turtle Monitoring in Western Australia
- ODK to collect species and habitats localities, as pressure and threats to ecosystems
- The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust researching the behavior of king cobras
- Field data collection for a citizen-science mapping effort of invasive alien species in Tamil Nadu, India
- Water-body information system for survey and monitoring of freshwater ecosystems of the Western Ghats
- Japan’s nature centers using ODK and Fusion Tables to digitize nature surveys
- From the ground to the cloud: forest monitoring in Hutan Aceh
- Forest monitoring in Indonesia (video)
- Webinar: Automating data analysis and workflows with pyODK
- PHPODKRead: a little program writen in PHP to treat the csv files
- Checking phone configuration in an ODK form
- ODK Fingerprints & Biometrics framework
- Yxf: Convert from XLSForm to YAML and back
- Public participation in GIS via mobile applications
- Generate a pdf file from the XLSform
- Bulk population of a new form with data from csv file
- Web-based codebook generator for ODK / xlsx forms
- Generating QR Codes using tokens from Central in JavaScript
- Submit ODK Collect forms directly to OpenFn (no Aggregate
- Automating Data Delivery using the OData Endpoint in ODK Central
- XLSForm Design Patterns
- XFormTest - An XLSForm testing library just for you
- Raspberry Pi ODK Briefcase based hub/server for offline/online management
- Automatically create geographical itemset.csv for external cascading select
- ODK with Wordpress
- XLSForm quality dashboard using Qlik Sense
- ODK form quality check dashboard
- New XLSFORM tool V1.00
- ODK for Data Management in Greece
- Yet Another Form Design Tool
- Download Audit of Edits on Central Using R & ruODK
- R script to download from Central Server and create SPSS Syntax file for importing data into SPSS
- repvisforODK: Quickly visualize your ODK data in R
- Basic Data Analysis with R (Scripts, Markdown & Dashboard
- PostgreSQL set of functions to get data from Central
- ODK Central and R / Python automation for complex data management projects
- Simple R package for pulling and exporting forms from an ODK server
- Dashboard for Monitoring and Visualization of Survey Data in ODK Central Server
- Upload form and media files to ODK Aggregate using R (httr
- Ongoing ODK sync with our Azure SQL databases via googlesheets and R!
Relational Databases / SQL
- Updating external datasets from another form’s submissions data from within a PostgreSQL database
- ODK Central and ruODK package for R Studio
- Updating external media files for select questions from another form using Central’s API
- ODK to PostgreSQL to nearly live Webmap
- SQL function to get attachment from central
- Ongoing ODK sync with our Azure SQL databases via googlesheets and R!
- QGIS FooODK Plugin
- Geopoint data - import records to QGIS using virtual layers
- QRealTime: A QGIS plug-in for ODK
- QgisODK plugin supports aggregate
- QGisODK plugin
PowerBI / Excel
Google Data Studio
tips and tricks
- ODK2Doc: Convert ODK forms to word documents
- Scrcpy to create screencasts of phone and forms
- Faster Geolocation with pre-warmed GPS - example for ODK Build users
- Generate offline background imagery for ODK Collect (MBTiles)
- ODK geoshape/geotrace/geopoint to WKT
- ODK geoshape/geotrace/geopoint to GeoJSON
- ODK geoshape/geotrace/geopoint to KML
- ODK geofence (v1
- Calculating week-of-year for a date
- CLI tool to manage Aggregate servers
- Pmix - a tool for translation management, xlsform diffing, and more
- Script to convert records to PDF
- Catherine “Catie” Alves
- issa marie tseng
- Lakshya Gupta
- Matthew White
- Grzegorz Orczykowski
- Dickson Samwel
- Yaw Anokwa
- Dr. Gareth S. Bestor
- Abdoulaye Diallo
- Richard Fletcher
- Abdul-Majeed Jibril
- Dan Joseph
- Ronald Munjoma
- Akshay Patel
- Shobhit Agarwal
- Narendra Singh
Tutorials demos and webinars
- Webinar: Automating data analysis and workflows with pyODK
- How to easily connect ODK to Power BI
- XLSForms cheat sheet
- Webinar: Clean Data, Clean Dashboard
- XLSForm Template
- Taking data collection offline with Open Data Kit and Mapbox
- One Short Video on Data Collection
- ODK Training Videos - ODK Aggregate Server Setup in less than 10 Minutes
- ODK Training Videos
- Video for using Google Drive/Sheets as server
- ODK Best Practices
- ODK learning videos
Articles, books
- Publication by CartONG of a Lessons Learned paper on 5 years of ODK-based MDC implementation in Terre des hommes
- Medium Article about ODK Collect and Usability Testing (en español
- ODK Collect for Mapping Article on Medium
- The ODK Book! Written by Tomonori HOSHI
Personal use
To be categorized
- Factors influencing adoption of electronic data capturing systems by TechnoServe Kenya
- OBD : ODK for Big Data
- ODK Collect makes an appearance on Bloomberg Philanthropies website
- Things you didn’t know about ODK
- ODK Swahili Translation
- ODK Aggregate data wrangling for App Engine
- ODK for surveys
- Visit to Shelter Associates Office
- SmartPhones4Water
- ODK Collect Facilitates Statistically-Based Election Observation in Albania