504 Gateway timeout when downloading lots of submissions


Central v1.5.3. I am getting the error "504 Gateway timeout - nginx" when I try to download a set of submissions through "Main data table (CSV file)". The dataset has around 500k submission entries.

From another form on the same server, I am successfully able to download 200k submission entries. But 500k one is giving error.

I am not running out of RAM, since CPU time is not going to 100% during download. What else can be the issue?


How do you know you are not running out of RAM?

Central 1.5.3 uses Node 14 which defaults to 2 GB of RAM. If you haven't increased your memory allocation to beyond the 2 GB, you are very likely running out of RAM.

I upgraded the server to a higher CPU/RAM, as well as more disk space. The download then started working fine. Perhaps it was trying to create a temp file, and was failing because there was literally no space on the disk. However, after upgrade, it started working fine.

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