A special thanks to Mapbox!

ODK Collect v1.22 is out and you might have noticed that we've added Mapbox basemaps for all geowidgets.

Mapbox provides fast, responsive maps, a more beautiful vector rendering of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, and smooth rotation and zooming that were previously not possible for OSM maps in Collect!


We're grateful to the folks at Mapbox (especially @marena and @langstonsmith) who have supported the development of this feature and provided free usage of their maps for all Collect users.

Thanks also go to @zestyping for building this feature and to @Ivangayton for his always thoughtful feedback on how to better support geo in the ODK ecosystem.

To try it Mapbox's basemaps, go to the User interface settings and choose the Mapbox SDK. If you run into any problems, write a support topic and we'll be glad to help!