Access Control

Hello All

Can anyone assist on how to implement access control on ODK collection.
Incorporate access control mechanism like id/username and password.

Standing by for your assistance.


You must configure both the ODK Aggregate server and the ODK Collect
application to do this.

(1) ODK Aggregate

Click the 'Log in" button and log in using the Google gmail account you
specified when you ran the installer.

After logging in, you will see a "Site Admin" tab. Select that, and select
the "Permissions" sub-tab.

On this screen, you can add users and control access to your server.

You need to add "ODK Aggregate usernames" to the system. Do this by typing
in the list of usernames you want to add in the text area under the "Add
Users" section; these usernames should be simple alpha-numeric strings.
Click the "Add User" button.

These users will now appear in the "Edit Users" section above. Grant them
all "Data Collector" access. This is the access required to use ODK Collect
to submit data.

Also, uncheck the permissions for the anonymousUser -- this will force
everyone to log in before they can view or access the server.

Click "Save Changes"

Finally, you must "Change Password" for each of the users you have added
(they were created with un-knowable passwords).

(2) ODK Collect

Under General Settings, enter the username / password combination you just
set up on ODK Aggregate.

Verify that this works by trying to download forms from ODK Aggregate. If
you can connect and see the forms, the username / password combination was
entered correctly.

··· -------------------- NOTES:

Often, groups will use one username/password for all ODK Collect devices.
It is often easier to do this than to manage usernames and passwords for
each and every device. It also makes deployments easier because you can
have one common configuration file for all your devices.

Once your ODK Aggregate server is secured, you may want to add users that
have access to the Submissions tab (to look at data) or to the Form
Management tab (to set up publishers, export data, purge data, etc.), or
can perform Site Admin tasks. These users can either be gmail accounts or
ODK Aggregate usernames -- if you want to add people's gmail accounts,
simply enter their full gmail account in the "Add Users" text area. No
password is required -- ODK Aggregate will rely on Google to authenticate
these accounts.


On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 5:42 AM, wrote:

Hello All

Can anyone assist on how to implement access control on ODK collection.
Incorporate access control mechanism like id/username and password.

Standing by for your assistance.




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Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington

Thank you. I ve got it now.

··· On Friday, April 4, 2014 12:42:55 PM UTC, wrote: > Hello All > > Can anyone assist on how to implement access control on ODK collection. > Incorporate access control mechanism like id/username and password. > > Standing by for your assistance. > > Regards > Kofi