Aggregate page not loading correctly

i am using odk on google app engine. but when i tried to access "*****" it redirecting me to aggregate page but loading it correctly and start refreshing in loop.

Open a Chrome Browser in Incognito Mode and try to contact the server.

Does it work?

If so, you either have a browser extension that is breaking the page or you
need to clear your browser's page cache (it has some cached files that are
confusing the system).

If it does not work, then you may have a data corruption issue. You will
need to look at your appEngine logs to determine whether or not that is the
case. These have recently moved.

If you do have data corruption, see:

ยทยทยท On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 3:07 AM, wrote:

i am using odk on google app engine. but when i tried to access "*****." it redirecting me to aggregate page but loading it correctly
and start refreshing in loop.



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Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington