Allow only specified data collector account to use/access specified form - Aggregate

1. What is the general goal of the feature?

To allow form access by only specified data collector or even form viewer or additionally form manager.
Currently all form managers added by the administrator have managerial resources available regarding all forms. And likewise data collectors and viewers.

2. What are some example use cases for this feature?
Can be very helpful in situations where multiple forms are running and different teams have to download their specific one without necessarily having to see other forms available on the server.

3. What can you contribute to making this feature a reality?
Ounce its developed, I can only check it out and test if it works well. Would have loved to contribute more

Hi @JosephKi
we no longer work on Aggregate. Now ODK Central is the priority, have you tried it maybe? This tool supports multiple users.

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Hi @Grzesiek2010, Thanks for the response. I have understood the new work revolving around central instead. I will find out if central actually provides the solution or feature I was trying to request.

Please as well note that its not being able to support multiple users - aggregate as well achieves that efficiently. Instead its a capability to have the administrator allocate certain users to be able to access only some forms to which their password has access rights - and to not even be able to access all other forms on the server.

Eg; if I have 20 forms currently on the server, And I create a user named "data_collector" - and I want this user via a remote client like ODK Collect only be able to see just one form named eg "my_form" necessary to them ounce they tap "Get Blank Form". Thats what I an seeking

Thanks again