Alternative to ODK Briefcase for decryption

1. What is the issue? Please be detailed.
We are facing export interruptions when decrypting the data using ODK Briefcase v18.1. we have 25K submissions. even though the pull is successful but the export is stopping at 95% some time and 70% , 80% without any error message in the log.

2. What steps can we take to reproduce this issue?
We tried to separate the export into specific dates but the issue still exists. I would like to find a better way of using odk briefcase

Please note that Briefcase has not been updated since Nov 2020 and Briefcase is no longer being updated. It is likely that issues like you are encountering will become more frequent as the code ages. It is recommended that people use Central.

Thanks a lot my friend for the reply.

I was hoping there is an alternative for example Python code? or any other API that could support it.

pyODK is an API client for the ODK Central API that you can use to interact with your data and automate common tasks from Python.

If you pull the instance files off your phone with adb, you can use . It'll convert the XML instance files to GeoJson. I use it all the time when working offline. It'll also convert the JSON or CSV downloads from ODK Central to GeoJson. Then you can edit it with QGIS or JOSM.

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