Associating a longitudinal form with an "entity type"

I started a wiki topic to act as a table of contents at ODK ecosystem entity-based data collection table of contents. Anyone with sufficient privileges can edit it. Does that seem reasonable?

I really appreciate all the thinking you've shared.

That's a wonderful start! It's still all very fuzzy in mine because there are so many possibilities and angles. I think it would be great to pick a couple of specific scenarios and workflows (e.g. turtle nesting) as anchors and ideally make sure that the user experience development happens as close to the field as possible. That is one of your strengths, @adam.butler, being so close to the eHA use cases. Have you written up some of the existing specific studies/workflows that you're basing your design around?

I agree all of these paths would be useful. I would find it very useful to see these options ranked by priority and one picked as the highest priority path that can initially be designed for.

Yes, exactly, there's a lot here and a big risk is to be so bogged down considering everything at once that we never get started! Thanks for shaking off that paralysis!

:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: I meant my question to be about the "entity type" concept, I'm sorry! Luckily I think the two questions lead to roughly the same context. With what you've shared, I'm not convinced that "entity type" is something that needs to be explicitly represented. That is, there could be a project which contains an updating list of entities. Implicitly the project name probably would describe the entity type. That's also what I understand when @Xiphware says

Is it possible that you're thinking about an explicit entity type identifier because you're starting to imagine using entities of one type in a project that has to do with entities of another type?

The format that a user uses and the underlying representation don't have to be the same. Perhaps you could expand on why this requirement leads to an "entity type" concept requirement?