Attempting ODK Aggregate + MySQL on Linux

Following instructions here,

  1. Install Tomcat
  2. Do various network stuff
  3. Install MySQL
  4. Download the installer for Linux and run it.

1-3 are dead simple for me, I have Vagrant + Ansible build a virtual
machine in 10 minutes including installing Debian, Tomcat and MySQL.

Step 4. directs me to download the Linux installer and that installer locks
me into using Google App Engine. My impression was that the Tomcat version
did not require use of GAE.

Is there another download not showing on that page that lets me use MySQL
as the back end?

Thanks -- Brian

Hi Brian,

The Linux Aggregate installer has a platform flag you can set to pick
the DB. Here's what I use in my Ansible file.

command: "{{ aggregate_installer_path }} --mode unattended
--parent_installdir {{ aggregate_tmp_dir }} --platform mysql
--tomcat_http_port 80 --tomcat_https_port 443 --raw_hostname
aggregate.local --database_port 3306 --database_hostname
--jdbc_username aggregate --jdbc_password {{ aggregate_passsword }}
--jdbc_database aggregate --instance_display_name aggregate.local
--username administrator --app_id '' --master_slave_app_id ''"

You also don't need to run the Aggregate installer in Linux. That
installer builds a WAR and SQL file, so you can run the installer on
the OS of your choice, get the WAR/SQL files, and scp those files to
your Linux box.


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On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 6:38 PM, Brian Wilson wrote:

Following instructions here,

  1. Install Tomcat
  2. Do various network stuff
  3. Install MySQL
  4. Download the installer for Linux and run it.

1-3 are dead simple for me, I have Vagrant + Ansible build a virtual machine
in 10 minutes including installing Debian, Tomcat and MySQL.

Step 4. directs me to download the Linux installer and that installer locks
me into using Google App Engine. My impression was that the Tomcat version
did not require use of GAE.

Is there another download not showing on that page that lets me use MySQL as
the back end?

Thanks -- Brian



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