Automatically looping (repeating) through different choice list_names?

Welcome to the ODK forum, @jeff_Andrews! We're glad you're here. When you get a chance, please introduce yourself on this forum thread. I'd also encourage you to add a picture as your avatar because it helps build community!

The attached example form shows how to loop through a group of questions once for every selected answer from a previous select_multiple. Right now there is only 1 question in the group but you could easily add more. Could this format be applied to your situation?

repeat_loop.xlsx (10.7 KB)

|          type           |       name        |                              label                              | required |                                  calculation                                  |              count              |
| select_multiple sectors | intervention      | What are the sectors of intervention?                           | yes      |                                                                               |                                 |
| begin_repeat            | sectors           | Sectors of intervention                                         |          |                                                                               | count-selected(${intervention}) |
| calculate               | this_sector_name  |                                                                 |          | selected-at(${intervention},position(..)-1)                                   |                                 |
| calculate               | this_sector_label |                                                                 |          | jr:choice-name(selected-at(${intervention},position(..)-1),'${intervention}') |                                 |
| text                    | sub_sector        | What is the ${this_sector_label} sub-sector(s) of intervention? |          |                                                                               |                                 |
| end_repeat              |                   |                                                                 |          |                                                                               |                                 |