Backup and restores data the odk-central

Hello everyone, I have the following problem. I set up an odk-central server in a digitalodean droplets and now they are asking me to make a backup of the data collected to date and restore it in another doplets where odk-central has just been installed. This is possible?. From your experience, what is the best way to achieve it?

thanks for your support

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It is possible. Please follow the guidance here

Am also trying to figure it out but am sure it is possible.
Am possibly failing because am not yet very good at linux

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Do you have the option of backing up and restoring the full droplet? That would be the easiest:

It sounds like you may need to use an existing Central install, though. Performing a direct backup and then restoring it as @pwaiswa suggests is a good option if you can replace the entire database.

If you can't do that, you can download submissions from the source server and upload them to the destination server using the API. The downside is that you will lose meta information about the submissions like submission date, comments, etc. If you're not comfortable using the API directly, you can try Briefcase. It's no longer updated but should work for this kind of usage.