Behind the Repos (Episode 03)

Hi ODKers,

Let’s kick this issue off with a big welcome to Win (@nribeka) who was
just voted in by the project management committee as a committer to

Win has been part of the ODK community since 2012 when he worked on
ODK Clinic’s integration with OpenMRS. He recently deepened his
involvement by helping new ODK contributors on Slack
(, reviewing pull requests, filing
issues, and of course, writing code. ODK’s developer community is
healthier because of Win’s efforts and we are glad to have him as a

Speaking of healthy communities, if you aren’t on the users’ list at!forum/opendatakit you should join and
help answer support questions! It’s the fastest way to become a great
contributor for these reasons:

  1. Helping users gives you insight on how to make good design decisions
    on ODK and come up with features that matter.
  2. Helping users reduces the time committers spend on support and that
    directly translates to more committer time fixing issues, reviewing
    code, and moving the project forward.
  3. Helping users is fun and rewarding. Our users mostly work in social
    good and really appreciate our efforts. Sometimes they just need a
    little bit of help to succeed and you can make a big difference by
    providing that support!

This month

Next month

  • Start UI/UX Refresh of Collect. Material design, here we come!
  • Ship update to Briefcase and Validate.

Feedback needed

Quick way to contribute

See you next time,


P.S. Have you ever noticed how confusing some doors are? It’s not just
you! Watch to learn why.