Can I add two different conditions from two different previous questions to the choice filter?

Can I add two different conditions from two different previous questions to the choice filter?
for example:
I have 10 questions about (stress drivers) each one of them with options yes or no
question 11 is: Please rank your top three main drivers of stress, starting with the one causing the most stress to the least (only the stress drivers selected by yes in previous questions)
#rank 1
#rank 2
#rank 3
but I don't want the selected answer of rank 1 to appear in rank 2
and the selected answer of ranks 1 and 2 appear in rank 3

Yes, you can combine with (..) and/or (...).
But perhaps you might use a rank type question (only taking the first 3 ranks for analysis).

Maybe, you can share a (minimised) related part of your form, please?