Carbon For Water Collects 40000 Forms per Day with ODK

Carbon For Water (@CarbonForWater) is using 4000 ODK-enabled phones to
collect 40,000 forms per day. The data is used to support Vestergaard
Frandsen‘s campaign to distribute LifeStraw Family water treatment units to
4 million people in Western Kenya.

Evan Thomas of Manna Energy writes, “ODK has enabled us to easily train
4,000 community health workers in how to use the smartphone application, and
we are now getting records in at a rate of about 50 per minute [about
40,000/day]. We expect a total of over one million records by June 1, 2011.
This project has broad reach. We even have an astronaut on the International
Space Station who is monitoring the project via the ODK database.”

We just found out Carbon For Water a few days ago, and we’ll be sharing more
about their work over the next few weeks. In the meanwhile, we’d love to
hear about how you use ODK (especially if you use it in space). Share your
story at