Central 2024.3 : Error when an external file already exists in the same project

After upgrading to last Central version (2024.3), I get an error message when I upload a new form (another version of an existing form in the project) :

I achieved to make it work by renaming the external file to a new one (not already used in another form)

Thanks a lot for this release !
And best wishes for 2025 :slight_smile:

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Hi Mathieu,

Do you have any unused choices in the Form? Recently we have made a change where we process all choices even if they are not used by any question. The error in the screenshot is shown whenever there is a choice list and a select from external file with the same name, I have attached a small Form that shows this scenario:

duplicateInstance.xlsx (575.7 KB)

If this is not true in your case, then I would like to see your Form.

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Hi @Sadiq_Khoja and thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

The form is exactly as your example.
The old list_species in the choices list AND finally a select_on_from_file list_species.csv

I should have found and understood it :wink:

Thanks again !