Choice Filter with multiple and/or conditions

1. What is the issue? Please be detailed.

I have a filter like (filter1=${District} and filter2=${Tehsil} and filter3=${UC} and filter4=${Category4} and filter5=${Category3} and filter7=${Category1} and filter8=${Category2}) or filter12='New_School' though it is logically correct but using parenthesis in filter is breaking the code.
2. What steps can we take to reproduce this issue?

(condition1 and condition2) or condition3 will break the code.

3. What have you tried to fix the issue?
The following filter is working fine.
filter1=${District} and filter2=${Tehsil} and filter3=${UC} and filter4=${Category4} and filter5=${Category3} and filter7=${Category1} and filter8=${Category2}

I want to add another condition i.e. filter12='New_School' to show a default choice.

4. Upload any forms or screenshots you can share publicly below.

It should work, normally.
Could you try, please
- (... and...) or (...) ?
- change the order (...) or (... and ...) ?

Which error message do you get?

Thanks it is working fine, I think I was making some mistake in string.