Choosing Orientation inside the GPS track

Hello ODK team,
I was wondering if a "choosing orientation" feature already existed in ODK Collect.

Context :
I work in the Agroforestery activity in which we are distributing trees to Farmers.
The quantity of Trees to be distributed depens on the size of the GPS tracks + the type of planting model (hedges, inside, both).

Issue :
If a planting model is detailed into a set of line with a space between the trees and a space between the lines, therefore the # of trees to be distributed is not the same depending on the orientation of the parcel.
(see picture for more details)

Question :
While calculating the # of trees to distribute depending on the size of the gps tracks recorded, is there a way to add a criteria of orientation inside the gps tracks ?

It sounds a bit technical so I am not very optimistic on the result, yet I would be very glad to hear about any advices :slight_smile: !

Thanks a lot

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I'm not totally sure that I understand the question but here are two hopefully related ideas!

There is a separate bearing question type that makes it possible to capture cardinal direction: Its accuracy depends a lot on the specific device used so I'd recommend testing it.

If you're collecting a trace or shape, the order of the points is in the order they were collected in. I don't think that helps in this case but maybe.

Hey LN,
thank you for your help, we will conduct some test with the bearing question indeed,
thanks a lot

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