Collect 2023.3.0 : Unexpected changes in map zoom & rotation

1. What is the issue? Please be detailed.
I noticed today that I couldn't rotate my map, seems with 2023.3.0 there's been a change in the map engines for good (more zoom and not limited only to Mapbox) and bad (loss of ability to rotate), but I didn't see mention in the release notes about it.

Map rotation

  • Two finger tap and rotate to spin map orientation
  • Collect 2023.3.0
    • Can rotate: Google
    • Can't rotate (:cry:): Mapbox, OSM, USGS, Carto, Stamen
  • Collect 2023.2.4
    • Can rotate: Google, Mapbox
    • Can't rotate: OSM, USGS, Carto, Stamen

Maximum zoom

  • tangent: I don't know if a tileset that extends to >Z22 is usable, as QGIS is now crashing on me when I try to render to Z23, but the limit of zoom appears to be right at the point when the Z22 layer is loaded
  • Collect 2023.3.0
    • +\- zoom icons are no longer visible for OSM, USGS, Stamen, Carto edit:, found in release notes
    • Can zoom to Zoom Level 22 (:confetti_ball:): OSM, Stamen, Carto, USGS, Mapbox
      • Mapbox will pixellate Z21 at Z22 level if tileset only goes to Z21
      • OSM, Stamen, Carto, USGS will go blank if tileset only goes to Z21
    • Still can't do high zoom: Google (Z21)
  • Collect 2023.2.4
    • Max zoom here is Zoom Level 22 (excepting Google at Z21)
  • Prior to Collect 2022.3.0
    • link
    • Only Mapbox could be zoomed far past Z21 with pixellation.

2. What steps can we take to reproduce this issue?
Create tilesets that have defined zoom levels, test with different basemaps to see if they are visible.
Set basemaps and see if map is able to be rotated.

3. What have you tried to fix the issue?

4. Upload any forms or screenshots you can share publicly below.

Previously mentioned:

Hi @ahblake

Map rotation

I've just checked and I can still rotate maps using both Google Maps and Mapbox in v2023.3.0 so to me there is no regression. Could you check again?

Maximum zoom
Prior to Collect 2022.3.0

The highest zoom level for Mapbox is 22 (see as I remember it was introduced in Mapbox v10 and in older versions (prior to v2022.3) it was possible to zoom closer. No all map engines have their limits.


Ok, I retested everything with all new tilesets in both versions, rendered as 0-20 / 0-21 / 0-22 / 20 only / 21 only / 22 only.

Maybe my handset & tablet were having a bad day yesterday? Upon retesting;

  • Mapbox does rotate (I tried many times yesterday in 2023.3.0 on a 10" tablet and it wouldn't :man_shrugging:t2:), only slight UI trick is if you zoom at all first you have to remove fingers from screen and retouch to be able to rotate, but if you rotate first, you can rotate and zoom concurrently without removing fingers.
  • Mapbox will pixellate the highest zoom level in the tileset (eg 0-20 tileset, pixellate 20 as you zoom to 21, 22), but USGS, OSM, Carto, Stamen will hide the tileset and show the underlying basemap.

Apologies for the false alarm.