Collect 2023.3.0 : Unexpected changes in map zoom & rotation

Ok, I retested everything with all new tilesets in both versions, rendered as 0-20 / 0-21 / 0-22 / 20 only / 21 only / 22 only.

Maybe my handset & tablet were having a bad day yesterday? Upon retesting;

  • Mapbox does rotate (I tried many times yesterday in 2023.3.0 on a 10" tablet and it wouldn't :man_shrugging:t2:), only slight UI trick is if you zoom at all first you have to remove fingers from screen and retouch to be able to rotate, but if you rotate first, you can rotate and zoom concurrently without removing fingers.
  • Mapbox will pixellate the highest zoom level in the tileset (eg 0-20 tileset, pixellate 20 as you zoom to 21, 22), but USGS, OSM, Carto, Stamen will hide the tileset and show the underlying basemap.

Apologies for the false alarm.