Collect will need to stop using /sdcard/odk for files

There are two changes coming up as we fully finalize this transition:

  • In v1.30, planned to be released around 2/22, new installations will no longer perform migrations from /sdcard/odk. If you upgrade from an older Collect installation still using /sdcard/odk, your data will be migrated. If you had previously used an older version of Collect, then uninstalled it, then install Collect v1.30, anything in the /scdard/odk folder will be ignored.
  • In v1.31, likely out in May, migrations will not be performed at all. If you have data in /sdcard/odk that you want to use, you'll need to either manually move the folders with adb or first install v1.29 or under and then upgrade to v1.31 after a successful migration.

This should have no impact on most users.

For organizations that choose to stay on a well-known Collect version for some time, this information could help inform the timeline for their next upgrade.

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