Continue filling out a form from a different device

Hi Folks,

Is it possible to continue the same form on a different device?
Lets Say - a Guard1 has its shift from 8am to 4pm and during his working hours a vehicle left the company vicinity for some office work and return back after 4pm, which is another Guard2's duty - so can the Guard2 continue the same form which was left incomplete by Guard1?

As - heading form company vicinity and coming back is considered as round trip.

Any suggestions please.

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Hi @Archita_Dash,
the previous data is stored on the specific devise. Thus, it would not be possible. Maybe you could do a work around to have a "work device" that is always with the active duty guard? Thus it could be done on the same device?

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You might want to consider using separate forms. The forward trip can be completed as a survey then submitted to an ODK server (central or aggregate) then details (perhaps using some shipping ID) prefilled and available via pull data in the second form for a return trip. The second form will now have variables for the entire round trip. You can set the reference CSV for pull data to auto-update, in some intervals. On ODK client, you can set the second form to auto-refresh.