Contributing to ODK Central

I just wanted to know that if i want to work on a github issue, do i need to get it assigned first or i can start working right away.

Hi @Sahil-Choudhary-17!

Sometimes someone will work on an issue on their own and submit a pull request (PR) for review when ready. However, we would love to know what you are interested in working on now! You could assign yourself the issue, comment on the issue, or mention in here. If you wrote out how you planned to solve a problem or asked questions about an issue, we would definitely see that on github and respond. We won't assign the issue to you unless you ask us to.

Within the core Central team, we assign ourselves the issues we are currently working on so we know who is actively working on what.

Welcome and thank you for contributing!!

I am currently learning vue, so i would like to start with smaller issues and then later on handle some bigger ones.

Great! I recommend starting by trying to get Central up and running locally. You will need Frontend, Backend, a postgres database (can be done through docker and backend), and possibly enketo. There is information in the frontend contribution guide about setting up your development environment that also links to the backend setup guide.

This might be a good small issue to start with: