Dar valor a las preguntas

Good afternoon
I would like to know if it is possible to give value to a question in order to add these values ​​at the end of the questionnaire.

Buenas tardes
Quisiera saber si es posible darle valor a una pregunta con el fin de sumar estos valores al final del cuestionario.

Hi @jonnathanCh

Do you mean a value from a previous question? If so yes it's possible. You can create a label in your spreadsheet like The value of the previous answer is ${ans1} where ans1 is the name of the previous question.
Additionally ans1 maybe not a simple question but a calculation eg. ${ansA} + ${ansB}
you can find more info here: http://xlsform.org/

Hi @Grzesiek2010 what happens is that I have a question and I want to give a value to each answer option and then add them
Are you of legal age?
Yes = 20 points
Not = 15 points

he has dogs in his house?

Yes = 5 points
Not = 3 points

and at the end add the scores depending on the answers

Ok, now I understand. Here is a sample form which you can use: calc_scores.xlsx (6.6 KB)