Data download - Image question


Running central v1.5.2 on AWS.

I am running a big instance which has a lot of data (both text and images). In one form, we have just decided that we should exclude the image question in the next form upgrade (it is present in the current version, and the data coming from the field is actually sending the images).

My question: After the upgrade of the form, the image question would not be in the PUBLISHED form. So for downloading the data from ODK Central, when I click ALL DATA AND MEDIA FILES, would it include the previously collected images in the downloadable zip file?

Logically, it should not, unless I click INCLUDE FIELDS NOT IN PUBLISHED FORM. But since my dataset is huge, i thought it better to ask on the forum before attempting any such thing, as it will affect the server.


If you remove the image question and republish the Form then image field will be removed from the CSV file(s) but images will still be there in the downloaded zip. But if you filter out the old submissions by date then downloaded zip will not have the images, assuming people in the field will be able to get the latest Form version.

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Hi Sadiq,

I need your help in understanding this, since this is seemingly against the logic (I think). Assuming there is a select_one question in version 1 of the form. If in version 2, I remove that question, the DOWNLOAD data excel file would not have this question's answer column, unless you click "INCLUDE FIELDS NOT IN THE PUBLISHED FORM". Same is the situation with the image question. If I take it out in the latest version, why is its data being downloaded in the zip file, when I am NOT selecting to include old version questions?

I am in a confusion here, since I deliberately left out image question in the latest form release, thinking that my download file will relax without images. But even now, it is getting all the images. Does this mean I can never get rid of images? Not talking about using date filter here, just standard full data download...


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