Direct Edit Link (without having to log in)

I am using ODK Central

Once users submit forms, the data is downloaded (using API) into a MySQL database and using this we display the information in dashboard

I want to give a direct edit link from my dashboard to ODK Central (web link) to allow users to edit the submission, without them having to log in.

Is this possible? I think something like this is possible in Kobo


Hi @AD,

Welcome to ODK Forum, if you have a moment, feel free to introduce yourself here.

Currently there is no public access link to edit submissions. However, if you create a hyperlink pointing to the submission edit (eg: https://yourdomain/v1/projects/1/forms/simple-form/submissions/{submission-uuid}/edit) and user is already logged in the Central in any browser tab/window then they will not see the login. Additionally, if users are expected to edit multiple submissions then at worst they will see login only once.

ODK Central also support Single Sign-on (SSO), you can configured that, then users won't be required to log in when they link on edit submission link on your dashboard, assuming users on the dashboard are authenticated with the same OIDC provider.


What is the return url after editing? Will it land on the comment page to document reason for editing?


Return can be just back to form or can be back to Dashboard. We can work around that.

But it looks like the direct edit won't be possible without them logging in at least once.

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