Domain access not working in new Central install

1. What is the issue? Please be detailed.
My domain not working. Cant open the Central website. I am getting this error message:

See my DNS records:

2. What steps can we take to reproduce this issue?
Try my domain :

3. What have you tried to fix the issue?

4. Upload any forms or screenshots you can share publicly below.

According to, your domain name is pointing to That IP doesn't match the DigitalOcean screenshot you shared.

Make sure your server's IP address is the IP in your DNS records.

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Thank you very much for your assistance. Much appreciated.

I have matched my server IP address the DNS records as advised and I am getting this error:

See the screenshot for my DNS records:

Screenshot for freeDNS page:

Screenshot for the DNS checker:

the IP address is the same on FreeDNS, Digital Ocean, and DNS checker.

Lastly, I don't get a message that says "Successfully built" after ODK Central installation. It just says " FINISHED". Could that be the problem?
See the screenshot below.

It sounds like you've followed the docs to setup Central. The next step in those docs is to start Central. What happens when you follow the docs to start Central?

I started Central but it still does not work.

What do your container logs say.

I am not sure what container logs are but after running 'docker compose up -d' i get this results:

and these after executing 'docker compose ps':

Here is another log results:

Do we have to add dns1... dns3 name servers to the subdomain? I can't add them to the domain since I am not the owner.

What does "Broken" means to a newly created domain? How can one resolve such as an issue. I created a new one in freeDNS and it has been showing "broken" message for the past two days.