Hi all,
Re-entering the ODK suite after years, I am testing features and capabilities (so far very happy with the potentials of this tool). This testing also generates ideas. For example the offline basemap creation. We work with hundreds of enumerators and numerous Area of Interest (AOI's) and I estimate that this current process of offline basemap creation could be a delicate (error prone) one.
Ideally, an ODK-central project stores 1 (or more) global datasets. With one push on a button (main menu) the enumerator sees this global dataset and can select an AOI (preferably with an entity geometry layer plotted on top so that he/she can easily detect where he/she will be going to). Then, (with a maximum AOI size, defined by the ODK app, in order not to story too many data) he/she can select the AOI and download it straight away to their phone.
I heard licensing for global datasets is an issue, but I know that for example Landsat data is free of use and has global coverage. And there might be more global datasets that can be used freely.
Anyway, this is my ideal situation. With 50+ project areas and hundreds of enumerators it is quite some work to create offline MTB-maps for our enumerators and -like I said- I also see potential problems arise downloading MTB files from a location where the enumerators have to login to.
Kind regards,