I'm not sure where to post this or how to title this post best and I haven't seen anything else yet to my knowledge but this is a basic question on workflow/form design.
The context is repeat inspections for trees that are both regular and irregular, so a longitudinal study with entities would likely be best.
I'm wanting to create an excel map that shows tree locations in their approximate places and updates cell values based on the status of each tree from the latest inspection.
Some of the possible action items for each tree could be things like:
Fertilize, etc.
Currently sometimes surveys are done quickly without using ODK, particularly when we're just looking at ONE of the actions, mostly because I'm not sure how to do this efficiently in ODK. For example, at the start of the dry season, someone would walk through the fields and take a note of which trees need to be watered and come out with a list of 100+ tree ids. Lets call this type of survey "Bulk single action"
Other times, more extensive/complete surveys are done where details about each tree are recorded including these actions so multiple actions for each tree would be possible. This is more like "Quarterly inspections".
So here is the primary question:
How would I design a survey so that it could account for these two different types of inspections which we can mark actions that need to be completed for tree IDs "Bulk single action" vs "detailed multiple actions"?
Currently I have a form that is only designed for the detailed multiple actions and I'm not sure how I would for example, record 50 tree id numbers for a single action.
It should be noted that once these surveys are done and an excel map has conditional color formatting to highlight trees that need to have certain actions completed, an enumerator would need to show that actions have been completed. This followup survey would also need to have the flexibility to do it in both ways (Bulk single action vs detailed multiple actions) as well.
Here is a current screenshot of my excel map that uses some data validation and conditional formatting that has made it easier to quickly navigate in the field.
This gets complex because there could be multiple surveys done of the same tree id before the requested action(s) have been completed and I want those actions to show up as outstanding until another survey has been done showing that each specific action for each tree ID has been completed.