Error: b"ODK Validate Errors:\n>> Something broke the parser

I'm receiving the following error.

Error: b"ODK Validate Errors:\n>> Something broke the parser. See above for a hint.\nError evaluating field 'tp1': The problem was located in Relevant expression for ${tp1}\nXPath evaluation: cannot handle function 'selected' requires 2 arguments. Only 3 provided.\nCaused by: org.javarosa.xpath.XPathUnhandledException: The problem was located in Relevant expression for ${tp1}\nXPath evaluation: cannot handle function 'selected' requires 2 arguments. Only 3 provided.\n\t... 11 more\n\nThe following files failed validation:\n${Endline_CG_Quantitative}.xml\n\nResult: Invalid"

Please help. Endline_CG_Quantitative.xlsx (45.2 KB)

Endline_CG_Quantitative (1).xlsx (47.4 KB)
check the field marked in red

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Thank you for pointing it out. I rectified it and it is now working.

Thank you once again.