Error: Form definition incomplete or missing

I'm currently designing a form using ODK's XLSform utility. The form is
not particularly long (~120 questions) nor is it very complicated.

I'm having several issues with this form:

  1. Whenever I submit the .xls file to be converted to the .xml file, the
    process takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Other forms I have
    been working with take around 30 seconds.
  2. My Aggregate server throws an error when I try to upload the form.
    Namely it says: "Error: Form definition incomplete or missing."
  3. The form runs fine on Collect, but will not upload to Aggregate.

I'm guessing these issues are somehow related. Does anyone have an idea
what it might be?


Use ODK Validate ( ) on
the generated XML file.

It is likely that there is an error in the definition.

If that doesn't highlight the difficulty, then you can narrow down the
problem by first seeing of a spreadsheet with just the first 60 questions
is processed quickly, then add or subtract questions 10 at a time to
identify where the problem is.

If you figure out what was wrong with the Excel file, please let us know.
It shouldn't take 20 minutes to generate the form. If it isn't dependent
upon the specific logic in your form, we can probably add a check to warn
the user of the problem.


ยทยทยท On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 1:23 AM, Stuart Shirrell <> wrote:

I'm currently designing a form using ODK's XLSform utility. The form is
not particularly long (~120 questions) nor is it very complicated.

I'm having several issues with this form:

  1. Whenever I submit the .xls file to be converted to the .xml file,
    the process takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Other forms I have
    been working with take around 30 seconds.
  2. My Aggregate server throws an error when I try to upload the form.
    Namely it says: "Error: Form definition incomplete or missing."
  3. The form runs fine on Collect, but will not upload to Aggregate.

I'm guessing these issues are somehow related. Does anyone have an idea
what it might be?



Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington