Error: generic Exception: Error: (405)


I am developing a questionnaire using ODK collect and sending the data to the ONA platform. When I try to send my questionnaire I can see the following message:

"Upload results

Name of the questionnaire Error: generic Exception: Error: (405) at""

What can I do please to solve this issue and to send the data from the mobiel devices to the platform.


Hi @mathilde :wave:. Just to clarify is this when you hit "Send Selected" from the "Send Finalized Form" page? Could you double check the server settings in General Settings > Server are correct and that you're using the username and password for a user that has the ability to upload submissions and that the URL for the server is correct? I noticed in the error that it reads "" but I'd expect it to be "".

Thank you s much to answer to my question. In fact I have solved the issue. I change the URL in my general settings from to and it is working. I don't reaaly undesratnd why but it is!
Thank again for your answer.


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Thanks for your feedback. The reason is because the ona-servers are configured to use the secured transfer protocol ie https and not the normal one (http).

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Thanks for the feedback to this. I am faced with the same scenario but I am not in a position to change the server settings to use https (the phones are in another country and we have secured the admin settings with a password we cannot share)
Is it possible to allow the server to accept non-https submissions somehow?

I really don't know but I hope somebody else can solve your problem.

I solved the problem by adding HTTPS, and also ODK before ONA in the URL. This topic continues to work.
Thank you!