Error getting form list with Aggregate v2

I have successfully installed ODK Aggregate (Version 2) on DigitalOcean as recommended. The aggregate server is functioning well.

However, when attempting to get the form list from the server using ODK collect on an android phone I get the following error:

Can you please help me figure out what the problem is?

If you followed the Digital Ocean instructions, you would have also set up HTTPS/SSL and a domain name. Your error shows HTTP and an IP address.

Are you using HTTPS and a domain name in your Collect settings?

No pls
I am using http, not https. However I obtained a domain name and pointed it to the server ip.

If you are following the instructions at, the server will be configured to use HTTPS. Use HTTPS and the domain name and report back what happens.

Again, I followed the installation procedure carefully. This is what i get when trying to connect to ODK Collect.

Okay, I finally sailed through.
In the server settings
I just changed the URL from https://myip/ODKAggregate to

thanks @yanokwa

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