Error in viewing videos

Hello House,

I have a quick question.

Can I record a new video when using odk collect while the interview is
going on? or I have to pre-record the video and attach it to the form
before carrying out the survey?

I am having a little difficulty accessing my videos after uploading the
submitted questionnaires to Ona. I can easily view the pictures but the
videos just refuse to open. Is there a reason for this? someone familiar
with the ona platform should kindly help out please.

Your best bet is to talk to the Ona folks at!forum/ona-community or


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On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 6:13 PM, wrote:

Hello House,

I have a quick question.

Can I record a new video when using odk collect while the interview is going
on? or I have to pre-record the video and attach it to the form before
carrying out the survey?

I am having a little difficulty accessing my videos after uploading the
submitted questionnaires to Ona. I can easily view the pictures but the
videos just refuse to open. Is there a reason for this? someone familiar
with the ona platform should kindly help out please.



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