Error "int java.util.List.size()" occures when filnalizing a draft submission on Kobo Toolbox. How do I send the drafts?

Error "int java.util.List.size()" occures when filnalizing a draft submission on Kobo Toolbox. How do I send the drafts?

There is a similar topic opened before, but nobody there told anything about how to send out submissions that are already in drafts. The whole work of the enumerators is now stuck in drafts because this error pops up.

To reproduce:
v6. UzFarmBarometer questionnaire_Full_clean _27082024 (1).xlsx (83.2 KB)
Use this file.
I know that the problem is in select_one_from_file question. I even fixed it in the new update of the this form. However, drafts from the earlier (link above) "buggy" form are stuck in the cellphone Kobo Collect. The problem now is how to finalize those drafts, because there is actually no data error in them.

P.S. It would be so good to have a quick solution, because its kind of unxpected and urget :frowning:

Hi @Farkhad_Tutkabaev

When you get a chance, please introduce yourself here. I'd also encourage you to add a real picture as your avatar because it helps build community!

It seems Kobo Toolbox may not offer an option to replace an existing form to allow downloading the corrected version and finalizing drafts, but I could be mistaken. If it's a minor adjustment, you could try manually replacing the XML forms on your device, which should then allow you to finalize the forms.
Let us know if you're still seeking a solution or need any assistance on how to do that.

Could you also share your solution? It might help other users who have similar problems.