Error message when opening form in Collect

Dear community,

When opening a form in Collect I get this error message:

The form works in Enketo and if (strangely!) loaded to Collect for testing before publishing.

Any ideas what is causing this error?

Thanks for any suggestion.

That is not one I've seen before. Could you please share the form either here or privately with me?

The problem has since been resolved. The problem was that the same filter was accidentally repeated twice in a instance calculation. Like:

instance('external_csv')/root/item[column1 != '' and column1 != '' and column2 = ${field}]/column3)

Thank you @LN for having had a look at it.

Is it possible that you also changed the attached Entity List or CSV file? Now that I think more about it, the error message comes from reading external data. It looks like some value that was supposed to be quoted in a CSV (newlines, commas, etc) was not.

We must not have enough error handling for certain cases and will look further into that.

Your duplicate filter condition should be fine!

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