Error occured during the loading of this form

Hi Ronex,I have this error whe I am trying to load my form.. Can you help please..Error occured during the loading of this form. We do not recommend you use this form for data entry until this is resolved.

Please contact with the link to this page and the error message below:

Could not connect with Form Server

Can you assist with this error???
Error occured during the loading of this form. We do not recommend you use this form for data entry until this is resolved.

Please contact with the link to this page and the error message below:

Could not connect with Form Server

Hi @Tafadzwa_Shelton_Sig and welcome to the forum. Are you self hosting ODK Central? Are you the server administrator? Can you provide any more details about when and where this error is occurring? Also, any details about the form will also help troubleshooting.

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