Estimating server (Google app engine) requirements?

Thanks @tawfikypc2017
My project running in 36 district and my enumerator 95 and questions 258
You tell me what was the plan purchase from Google app engine or how to estimate these things like
What is my storage and other things we need ?

Hi Azam
As I explained to you the previous steps,
Here you need to add 95 users (enumerator 95)
And the choice of option

Thanks sir @tawfikypc2017
Sir my next question about google app engine server
My project running in 36 district and my enumerator 95 and questions 258
You tell me what was the plan purchase from Google app engine or how to estimate these things like
What is my storage and other things that we need ?

see Appengine costs question as a part of ODK training seesion - #8 by Mic