I am couldn't able to export data from ODK breifcase version v1.11.2. I am gettin empty CSV files---export 0 submissions.
I am couldn't able to export data from ODK breifcase version v1.11.2. I am gettin empty CSV files---export 0 submissions.
Hi, @sammy_2018!
Are you using the UI or a CLI command? Is there any error message in the briefcase.log
file? Also, if you don't mind sharing your data with me, can you please zip up the ODK Storage folder and email it to me (ggalmazor@gmail.com) so I can see if I can reproduce this problem?
I am using UI. I didn't saved the brief.log v.1.11.2 version but i have log for v.1.11.1briefcaseerror.txt (12.0 KB)
I am seeing the issue with pull. couldn't able to export the data. It is showing blank CSV and exported 0 submiisions
@sammy_2018, I'm combining all your issues into one topic because it's not clear it's related to the other topics you've posted.
Have you been able to send your ODK Storage directory to @ggalmazor so he can try to reproduce?
I am also facing the same problem, using both ODK Briefcase version 1.11.2 or 1.11.3, exported CSV is empty.
FYI, the same data is working well if I submit to ODK Aggregate server then pull down then export using either ODK Briefcase version 1.11.2 or 1.11.3.
I have already sent briefcase.log and ODK Briefcase Storage directory to @ggalmazor via email.
Please help.
Thank you very much.
Hi, all!
I've received the email, @Nguyen_Van_Thanh. I expect to have some time to explore this one tomorrow. It would be great to have yours too, @sammy_2018!
Hi, @Nguyen_Van_Thanh!
I've tried to export the form you've sent me with Briefcase 1.11.3 and I get CSV files that look OK. They contain the one submission you have in your storage directory.
This is how the export tab looks when I export it:
I can't see anything that gives me a clue about what's happening while exporting, but you got an error while Briefcase was starting. Could you go to the Settings tab and reset your storage location and see if that helps?
Thank you Guillermo,
I've also found that it will work if I clear the date filter. The point is, once we sent to ODK Aggregate server, there is a data (date of submission) in the first column, but if we do offline, this column is empty, that's why using date filter will produce error.
My comment is, is it possible for Briefcase to fill data into SubmissionDate column (first column in the exported CSV) like Aggegate? This data is important to see when collected data is submitted to Briefcase.
Thank you for your support.
Hi, @Nguyen_Van_Thanh!
I'm glad that we got an explanation
I'm afraid that Briefcase isn't designed to change data from raw submissions, but what you are describing could make sense. I imagine many people pull submissions directly from their mobile devices instead of sending them to Aggregate. I think we can discuss this as a new feature in the Features forum. I'm tagging @yanokwa and @LN for their feedback on this.
Thank you for your understand, Guillermo,
I believe that many and many users want this feature. I was asked to develop (and I am working on this) a ODK-based system which totally offline working in around 20 countries in Africa. That's why I truly need this feature. Or, should I develop this feature for my custom Briefcase using your source codes in GitHub?
Thank you, again.
That seems very reasonable, @Nguyen_Van_Thanh.
Since I don't really run campaigns using ODK (I'm just a developer ) I'm always a little shy when assessing possible new features. I hope you understand
It really sounds like you would benefit from adding that to Briefcase.
Generally it's a good idea to give other users some time to pitch in and discuss the feature before starting to work on it. The first step would always be to document and discuss it, anyway.
Any and all help is super valuable, even if it's just for documenting the feature, and it would be great to count with youu for the implementation as well
@Nguyen_Van_Thanh This seems like a reasonable feature that we should add to Briefcase. Can you write a new topic at https://forum.getodk.org/c/features with that request so we can discuss it in greater detail? Once we have it discussed and roughly specced, we'd love to have you contribute that code so it benefits the entire community.
Also, when you get a chance, please introduce yourself here. I'd also encourage you to add a real picture as your avatar because it helps build community!
A post was split to a new topic: Where is the latest GeoODK?