FAQ or Guide section in ODK Collect Android Application

General goal of the feature?
In current version of Collect app, there is no section that ca guide user through the usage of app or anything that can answer general queries of new user, SO, I propose to introduce a section for FAQ that can help user. Currently FAQ are present in https://opendatakit.org/help/faq/ but they are not specific to android app. Also, Guides are to be migrated to new docs of ODK and viewing them on phone is lead to poor user experience.

I can add feature to android app that will help to address general quires about the app. Also, a section that will guide user about usage of app.

I want suggestion regarding the content in the proposed section. As of now, I plan to add the questions from https://opendatakit.org/help/faq/ to app using sphinx documentation and getting json of FAQ.


I think a really great place to start would be a simple five-ish-step walkthrough of the lifecycle of a form, which screenshots and without too many words, just to acclimate people. So download form, fill form, upload submission—something like that?

And maybe when Collect loads and no forms have been downloaded on the device it shows automatically, with a really quick/easy/obvious way to bail out of it?


Thanks for suggestion.
I can give it a try.


This is a really good initiative! I think the reason this kind of guide doesn't exist in the app yet is because ODK was originally designed to be deployed by organizations that would set up multiple devices and train their enumerators. This is still the primary use cases but it seems there are more and more individuals picking it up for small projects and there's a real opportunity to help them out.

Here's something I read recently about Collect:

I was a bit confused at first though, because my first instinct was to
just download the Android app, and I couldn't add a new form using the
Android app. There wasn't anything in the app or the description to
tell me to use http://build.opendatakit.org/ to generate the form XML.

I think this matches exactly what @issa was talking about. The first step for that would be to propose some UI sketches. @Shobhit_Agarwal, I think you had some as part of your GSoC proposal. Perhaps you could post them on this thread?

Here is one of the tryouts that user will be shown when the app will run for first time.
Demo Link
I have tried to make it as short as possible focusing on main features of app :

  1. Configuring server settings
  2. Downloading forms
  3. Filling forms
  4. Sending to server
  5. Links to contact to ODK community.
    @issa current demo is in accordance with your suggestion.

@Shobhit_Agarwal Do you have any other idea for this?

Everyone's suggestions are welcome.

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@Akshay_Patel good work high five for this.
If possible can you make a suggestion box where you can ask never see me suggest or for more suggestions click on below link and that link will redirect on ODK docs.

I think this will be a great thing where new user can understand about ODK from ODK docs.

Hey, that's a really great start! Maybe just a few more words than that
:slight_smile: and maybe one overview page at the start with a little flowchart
outlining the steps that you have here in one place first?

But even this is totally better than what we have already. Great work!

@Akshay_Patel it might be time to file an issue on Collect and then send in a WIP pull request so we can iterate that way. It's looking really nice!