Filter list of floristic species with 3 first letters of name

Hi Sylvie and welcome onboard ;-), don't hesitate to introduce yourself here and describe the use you'd like to make of ODK at INRAE :wink:

select_one_from_file can be filtered as any other select_one using the choice_filter column to write condition.
Here you want to filter every option that starts with the letters you input in previous recherche_sp question
here the following choice_filter will work


I just tried with a fake 10000 species list and it works fine on my quite old phone.

As you will see it is case sensitive :wink:

The syntax you tried to use was used to query big csv with "classical" select_one. And the error message you faced is relative to that old method.
To be more clean and standard we will try to limit as much as we can the species list instead of using the whole french list containing species we'll never see in the region :wink: .
But right now such regional lists do not exist for all species groups,
so bad bad habits die hard...

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