Format date time not working in Enketo

Hello ODKers,

I am trying to convert a time question using format-date-time() . In enketo it is giving an output as "Invalid Date" where as in collect it is giving me the result what i need. Why is it not working in Enketo?

Thanks and Regards,


Are you trying to convert time question only, or date time? The name even suggest is format-date-time.

If you use datetime it works in enketo, see the form format-date-time_test.xlsx (10.7 KB)

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Hi @dicksonsamwel,

I am converting time question only. But the conversion works fine in Collect but not in enketo. I am using this because to compare two time questions. Is there any other method to compare two time questions which works in both enketo and ODK Collect.

Thanks and Regards,

Clarify more, how do you compare time??? If possible attach sample form

Please find the attachment .

TimeExample.xlsx (9.2 KB)

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See the attachment, that can be one way of doing that

TimeExample.xlsx (9.7 KB)


Thank you @dicksonsamwel.